FAE TECHNOLOGY SPA, Italian company incorporated in Italy (from now on the “Company”), is committed on protecting the privacy of all the visitors and user of the site and of the services, including users that have access to the site or the services via web, mobile app or any other devices.
This Privacy Policy provides you the relevant information to understand how we collect and use information related to users of the site or services and personal data that could be communicated. For any further information on your personal data treatment, you can contact directly the Company sending an email to info@fae.technology .
Pursuant to Art.13 of UE Regulation n.2016/679 and Art. 13 of the Italian Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003. informs that any personal data provided by you will be used in accordance with the above regulation, in compliance with the following criteria.
The official personal data processor is the Company, with registered office at Gazzaniga (BG), via Battisti 136, 24025, Italy, in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative.
Collection, use and storage of personal data will be carried out for the following purposes:
- creation of a customers’ database
- analysis of consumers and Company clients choices, market and marketing analysis and data processing for statistics purposes (subject to consent and treated in anonymous way with no link to specific single person data)
- mailing of Company advertising materials, newsletter, other promotional and commercial communication initiatives regarding the services or products marketed by the Company or other third parties with a commercial agreement with the Company (subject to consent); also by e-mail, mobile phone or Mms (Multimedia Messaging Service) or SMS (Short Message Service) (subject to consent);
- activation of contractual and commercial relationships;
While visiting the site it is possible that you will be asked to provide information including names, surname, addresses (e.g.email address, mail address, phone numbers), credit cards.
Company collects information not related to the single Person and are treated in an anonymous way.
Company could collect information related to the usage of the Site or service from the user and information related to the activities that the user performs –including feedbacks and rating of the service that the user could publish directly on the site or sending to the Company via email or letter.
The Company does not collect and does not process any sensitive data on the Site, such as, for example, those able for revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature, as well as personal data capable of revealing the state of health and sexual life.
The Company will request only the personal data strictly necessary to provide the services requested by users. The data provided that will be processed for the purposes related to the activity of the Site and will be stored and processed to ensure the respect of the data subject rights
Your data will be handled in compliance with GDPR regulation, using appropriate manners and tools in order to protect their security and privacy; access thereto may be either manual or by means of electronic or automated memory.
Handling of personal data will include all operations as indicated by law, and necessary to process the personal data, including communication to third parties.
The data will be processed by employees of the Company and/or premier companies, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.. All personnel will be identified appropriately, trained, and aware of the restrictions imposed by Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 and Art.13 of UE Regulation n.2016/679.
Data Subjects (meaning the individual who is the subject of personal data) may at any time exercise the rights provided by the EU Regulation 679/2016, including:
- the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning the data subject even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;
- the right to revoke at any time the consensus given by the data subject with regards to the purpose of personal data process;
- the right to obtain access, rectification, cancellation, limitation on the data process and data portability in line with the indications provided to the Data Controller.
- the right to oppose to the data processing;
- the right to appeal before the competent Authority.
5.1. Right to withhold the personal data
Providing personal data is optional, but may be necessary for the achievement of some of the purposes indicated (eg the activation of contractual and commercial relations, sending newsletters etc. .), not provide personal data reported as mandatory will not allow the Company to pursue the abovementioned purposes.
The mandatory or optional nature of the personal data is from time to time reported using symbols (eg “*”) placed alongside the information whose conferment is mandatory to pursue the respective purpose.
In any case, personal data will be processed by the Company only on the following legal basis:
- the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;
- processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;
- processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.
The Company treats and keeps the personal data of the Subject for the entire duration of its registration on the Site and for the further period provided for by law, in relation to the purpose of the collection.
Data collected for the purposes of sending promotional and advertising material and data collected for commercial purposes will be retained till when the Subject will ask directly not to receive any communication or for the different period indicated by the supervisory authorities. Each subject could eliminate his/her name from the service by clicking on the dedicated link in any newsletter he/she receive via email.
At the end of the period of data retention, personal data will be deleted or maintained in a way that do not consent in any way the identification of the subject.
The personal data will not be disclosed to third parties. The personal data may also be disclosed to primary third-party companies (business partners and service providers) to perform functional activities to achieve the purposes as indicated above and for which a specific consent has been obtained by the Data Subject. We do not transfer any personal data outside the European Economic Area.
Behaviours of users of the Site will be analysed to improve the performances of the solution in compliance with the Privacy Policy. Data will be treated in an anonymous way and will not be in any way linked to personal data of users.